CABRE Safe Haven, shelter for abused and battered women in Miami - Hotline:  800-799-SAFE

Our Story


CABRE Safe Haven - The Inspiration                 

"In 1978, and as far as I could remember at the age of six, I could hear piercing screams coming from my Mother’s room. The sounds of my mother yelling out “STOP”, PLEASE and “HELP” would forever ring in my ears, and it burned intensely to my soul. Sitting in the living room, hoping a neighbor would hear my Mother, to call the police, or come, and rescue her. Unfortunately, for me HELP never arrived so I continued to wait, and wait endlessly. Finally, the room door opened and out comes my Father, a few seconds later, my Mother exits the room with blood running from her face! My Mother was a sole believer in her vows and family so she stayed in her marriage for two more years when it appeared to be never-ending. The beatings seemed to get worst as the days and months went by. Finally, in the early 80’s, Mother got up enough courage, and nerve to leave and file for divorce. However, the abuse continued mentally and verbally; until one summer afternoon mom and her boyfriend where driving in her car when they were approached by my Father. He opened fire, shooting into my Mother's car striking her boyfriend several times. Thank God, for him; because he shielded her body by taking a spray of bullets.

Near death my Mother rushed him to the nearest hospital, where he survived the shooting, and Dad receives 10+ years in prison. Growing up witnessing my Mother being victimized inspired me to give back to those who are victims of Domestic Violence and their children; as a child, I felt a terrible numbness, hopelessness, defeat, and guilt for not being able to do more, caused a great sadness. In 2006, from the many uncounted episodes of the horrendous behavior caused by my biological Father, she was called home, to be placed in the garden of roses, due to the complications of a brain tumor which developed after years of trauma, repeated blows and abuse to her head. I wasn’t sure how I could reach out to others until one night, God, gave me a vision of the shelter and the name CABRE Safe Haven. CABRE Safe Haven is the first initials of my first, middle and last name. The “RE” is what my Mother would call me."

Today, we join women – and men – together all across the county to support victims of violence, and to send this message that Domestic Violence is unacceptable in our community, as well as in every community. We would like to reach out to the church, schools, community, and society. Domestic Violence touches every one of us. It keeps employees from being able to work, and instead they fill emergency rooms, and morgues. It makes children fearful, angry and in most cases become victims themselves, and abusers as adults.

Only by making a real commitment to stop this crime, can we end this horrific and barbaric act. No one needs to feel subjected, obligated, or victimized by this awful way of expressing a lifeless emotion with a non-authentic “I love you” “and I promised it won’t happen again.”

                                                                          Cherie A. Bryant

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